Beverage Solutions

Beverages are among the most trend-driven of all food industry products with continuing innovations in packaging, flavors and formulations being made to drive consumer interest.

Now a fresh wave of innovation is on the cusp of altering the beverage industry. The growing interest in hemp-derived CBD as a health supplement along with the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use in several jurisdictions has led manufacturers to explore new products and expand their consumer base. This has led to the creation of a new product category — CBD-infused beverages.

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Food Solutions

Combining CBD with food is a popular new trend that is starting to show up in mainstream media. Businesses are introducing new CBD-infused food products. Restaurants, cafes, and bars are adding CBD to their menu items. CBD-infused options include baked goods, chocolates, gummies, coffee, cocktails, and savory foods.

Even though hemp-derived CBD products were made federally legal in December 2018, the FDA has retained the right to monitor all products on the market for consumer safety.

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Cosmetics Solutions

Nervoss’s CBD cosmetics is the expression of our philosophy, respect of the person and the environment. Our cosmetics are lab tested , 100% organic, and our manufacturing methods allow us to keep the full spectrum of the plant for a greater efficiency.

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Electronic Cigarettes Solution

The emergence of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) has given cannabis smokers a new method of inhaling cannabinoids. Nervoss’ nano CBD E-cigs differ from traditional marijuana cigarettes in several respects.

CBD has also been shown to help with addictions like cigarettes and tobacco by helping to reduce the brain’s cues for use.

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Patch, Drop, and Other Solutions

Nervoss’ CBD potential health benefits, can now be found in more products, such as patch, drop…

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Medical Product Solutions

The medical use of preparations derived from the Cannabis sativa plant has a long history. In the past 20 years, there has been a resurgence of patient interest in using cannabinoids to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, cancer pain, depression, anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances and neurological disorders, the symptoms of which are reportedly improved by using cannabis (NASEM, 2017).

Increased patient interest in the medical use of cannabis has been accompanied by renewed scientific interest in the medical use of substances found in the cannabis plant, namely cannabinoids.

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Food Supplement Solutions

The market for hemp-derived CBD supplements and food continues to grow. It is estimated the CBD market will be $16 billion by 2025, even in the face this regulatory uncertainty. Importantly, CBD appears to be a safe ingredient at the levels sold in dietary supplements and food products. In 2018, the World Health Organization issued a report concluding that CBD is safe, and FDA made similar findings regarding CBD in its scheduling recommendation to DEA regarding Epidiolex.

Cannabis oil with CBD is a completely natural, harmless and beneficial supplement as a dietary supplement.

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Pet Solutions

Cannabidiol (CBD) products are enjoying wild success in the pet industry, with sales hitting $13 million in 2017 and predicted to jump to $125 million by 2022. And according to a recent survey by Packaged Facts, 39% of dog owners and 34% of cat owners have already warmed up to the idea of giving their pets CBD products.

Mental and physical support is what has helped CBD rise up in the pet community. Though it can be given in supplement form, CBD is often added to crunchy treats, chews, coconut oil, or peanut butter to make it easier for pets to consume.

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Nervoss’ nano CBD
good for health & SAFE FOR USE

There are many benefits to using Nervoss’ nano CBD products. Researchers believe that the cannabidiol interacts with the body’s
endocannabinoid system. The ECS (endocannabinoid system) is found in all mammals. It is a biological system made up of a network
of receptors throughout the entire body.

Nervoss’ Nano CBD is tested absorption, evaluation of cell/ animal toxicity (Cytotoxicity), results verified by clinical trials
(human pharmacokinetic blood studies) and independent scientific testing.




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